Protest the sacking of Robert Austin 1:00PM Monday 5th December The Chancellory - Building 1 Bowen Lane (just off La Trobe Street) RMIT University (city campus)
posted by Defend Our Universities committee @ 10:59 am
This group of political activists, students and intellectuals formed in October 2005, initially to fight the political dismissal of Hispanic Studies academic Dr Robert Austin from RMIT; and highlight the neoliberal higher education agenda which it serves. Austin was sacked after shock-jock Murdoch columnist Andrew Bolt attacked his postponement of classes for interested students to join national protests in August 2005 against Voluntary Student Unionism, legislation designed to de-politicise students and erode their essential services. Articles and commentaries posted here show that RMIT management has adopted the Howard agenda of straight-jacketing academics, demonising labour activists and silencing student unions. Public universities have experienced 25 years of resource cuts, with demands from national and international capital that academics “fit” a repressive cultural agenda. We believe that only a united, creative and democratic response can reverse such attacks, stop job losses and defeat the rancid conformism which globalisation promotes. We invite you to join the struggle. ¡Venceremos!
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