Defend our universities! Stop dismissal of Dr Robert Austin from RMIT. Defend academic freedom!
31 October 2005
27 October 2005
Defend our universities! Defend our unions!
Article published on Indymedia by Lisa Farrance and Liz Thompson.The Federal Government has lately intensified its attack on public universities, with the full backing of commercial radio “shock-jocks” and their print-media equivalents. Not content with a complicit media, Nelson and Howard now want compliant, uncritical universities. And RMIT is showing the way... see here.
24 October 2005
Bolting to the Right - Rowan Cahill
Article on Indymedia by Rowan Cahill provides a background to the recent attempts to dismiss lecturer Dr Robert Austin from RMIT University. Click here.21 October 2005
Bolt Strikes Lecturer
Article published on Workers Online - the official organ of Labornet: see here.18 October 2005
Salvadorean Solidarity
Dear Vice Chancellor:IN UNITY AND SUPPORT!!!
We wish to give solidarity to staff who have had their employment threatened and would like to state that Dr Robert Austin has been inclusive and supportive towards the Spanish community. The attempt to silence intellectuals and repress freedom of speech at RMIT attack the soul and substance of the university. Academic freedom is the most fundamental principle at the heart and soul of all universities in the world; it is essential to the openness of heart and mind that allows us to face reality.
The attack against Dr Robert Austin is a clear violation of Article 2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, on freedom of speech. Everyone is entitled to the rights and freedoms in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights without distinction of any kind—such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion—allowing individuals to live free from fear of oppression. These actions that violate freedom of speech had usually been seen only in the repressive regimes in Latin American countries.
For the right to live in peace! In solidarity with Dr Robert Austin,
Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (Melbourne)
05 October 2005
Andrew Bolt article used to dismiss staff member
Andrew Bolt article used to dismiss staff member, whose employment is threatened for rescheduling classes in support of anti-VSU National Day of Action. Details below.__________
Last week, a staff member in International and Community Studies (with which Social Science and Planning is about to merge….) had his employment threatened by the Head of School for rescheduling classes on the day of the August 10th National Union of Students National Day of Action to allow students to attend an action in support of their student union.
This staff member is on probation, and despite receiving a probation report that indicated that his research was “excellent and goes beyond reasonable expectation”, and that the Head of School commended him on his teaching and engagement with students and other universities, his employment was threatened due to his behaviour in rescheduling the classes. An article in which right-wing polemicist Andrew Bolt named the staff member, Robert Austin and RMIT NTEU branch president Jeanette Pierce, was produced in the probation meeting as evidence of the lack of collegiality of the probationary staff member.
Pasted below is the text of the email sent to NTEU members encouraging them to cancel classes or not penalise students for attending the August 10th NDA. Robert Austin did not cancel, but instead re-scheduled the classes. The aforementioned article attacking Robert and Jeanette came exactly a week after an article attacking RMIT academic Dr Robin Goodman, in which RMIT staff Professors Tom Nairn and Mary Kalantzis are also derided. Both articles are attached below.
It should concern every staff member in RMIT, every union member, and every supporter of the important functions and representation provided by student unions that this kind of material can be used to effectively discipline a staff member – that facilitating student self-activity by rescheduling classes to maximise participation in this rally is considered part of an attitude problem that needs to be rectified on pain of termination of employment.
Please email your support for Robert to RMIT NTEU branch president, Jeanette Pierce, ( Student Union president Sridaran Vijayakumar and myself, Liz Thompson, and please email the Vice Chancellor, Margaret Gardner, at, insisting that she act to defend Robert's employment from politically-motivated attacks from either in or outside the university.
Please email me directly if you wish to offer your support or assistance.
Liz Thompson
Spanish 1 student
Note: The two articles by Andrew Bolt referred to here have been published below under "comments".
Email posted to NTEU Members in the lead up to the National Day of Action:
“Dear members,
August 10th National Day of Action against Voluntary Student Unionism:
On August 10th, TAFE and university students around the country will be taking action against Voluntary Student Unionism, legislation that will silence student unions and take away the organised political voice of the student body. This legislation also threatens the jobs of thousands of union members, including those in the NTEU. The NTEU and the National Union of Students are asking staff to cancel classes for the afternoon or not penalise students for non-attendance on that day, and also to come along to the rally in the city starting at 2pm at the State Library. This follows on from our EBA reportback and update starting from 12pm, where we will discuss the August 10th day of action, our EBA and upcoming events such as Open Day and the next student day of action on August 25th.
Members are encouraged to attend the NUS national day of action starting at the State Library at 2pm. Students will be meeting in Bowen Street from 1pm.”